Prensky's new book...

Tonight I started reading "Don't Bother me Mom - I'm Learning" by Marc Prensky. And I'm already engaged and eager to continue. In it Prensky sets out the claim that kids are learning from video games and learning more than within traditional educational settings.

"frustrated by the wide gap between their exhilarating experiences playing games and their slow-paced lessons in school."

This is a key for improving how we design, plan, and teach to our students. Not all lessons need to be "games" but there are principles that we can learn from games and the interaction with them that can and should be applied to education.

Over the coming weeks, I'll continue to summarize some key points within Prensky's text and share my own thoughts on what he conclusions mean for how we should teach.

Prensky, M. (2006). Don't Bother Me Mom - I'm Learning! Paragon House: St.Paul.