John Rice's Top 10 Educational Game Countdown

Over at Educational Games Research, John Rice, provide an excellent year end "top 10 list" of free educational video games. I've tried most of these, but if you haven't here's a great chance to catch up.

John's list includes a number of games that I've talked about over the past year including Food Force (students' reactions) and Revolution (including my three part interview with co-creator Matthew Weise pts:1, 2, 3).

John's list also includes Arden, which while I was excited to see how it turned out the results were not as exciting as planned. But Arden's creators have opened it up to everyone and there is some real future potential for creating learning communities there, even without a driving narrative experience. MIT's Technology Review has a good overview article on Arden as well.

John Rice's blog is consistently a good read for anyone interested in applying video games in education. Thank you for the list John.


Anonymous said...

Paul, my pleasure, and thank you for the kind words and links.