I'll See Your Turning Point, and Raise You...

I’m not a big fan of long rambling blog posts, and since my last one was turning into that I decided to stop. I was the first person on campus to use Turning Point in a class and like any new technology we had a few hang ups along the way. After going through the "Choose Your Own Lecture" with Turning Point 9 times, I felt very confident with the technology and the content. Thus, yesterday our library director asked me to give a presentation about the “clicker” technology and it's uses for our local area library association. Since I’m always up for a challenge, I said yes.

It was a nice opportunity to not only present the technology in front of librarians from 7 other libraries, but it was a good platform to advocate some gaming strategies: engagement, motivation, choice, & personalization. Using Turning Point is really just another way for the students to interact with their environment and influence their surroundings.

I had positive feedback from a couple people and one librarian stated that she knew her campus had technology like this, but hadn't thought of too many ways to apply it to information literacy instruction.

Making other librarians aware of the successful application of gaming strategies is always a good time.