Breaking Blogging Rule #1

#1: If you get new people coming to your site, give them something new to read. Follow up the post that brought them in with more content. Give them a reason to come back.

Well, I missed that one.

My coverage of the games created by the Library at Carnegie Mellon was picked up in a variety of places including Jenny Levine's theshiftedlibrarian, an ALA newsletter, and even the gaming site Game Set Watch. I'm grateful for the coverage and I'm thankful that Carnegie Mellon's project got the coverage and exposure that it deserves (Water Cooler Games highlighted the game as well).

Unfortunately, the exposure can at a time when I took a month long hiatus. I'll blog later about my elective hiatus, but I wanted to say thank you for the coverage and I hope that readers found more to interest them throughout the site.

I am returning to my blog now and will continue the conversations about how and why we as librarians and educators should be looking to and using video games and gaming strategies in information literacy.


Mr. Realestate said...

thanks for this nice article..

MR. Realestate

Buy Caverta said...

I wonder how you got so good. This is really a fascinating blog, lots of stuff that I can get into. One thing I just want to say is that your Blog is so perfect!

Anonymous said...

Nice, I had been following this blog for a jiffy but I didn't become aware of that you guys we're behind it. Some of the crew from there is really remarkable but they are lacking a demo link. More and more interest and involvement would definitely bump up the experience for me and in all probability many others.

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