Critical Thinking Article

The video game violence research unit that I've mentioned before is part of a research component for our English composition classes. The library created and leads this unit in collaboration with our writing center and the faculty. It's resulted in some interesting discussions from the students. My co-worker drafted an proposal for an article and it just got approved last week. Now we just have to write it. I'm digging into the literature now, as my co-authors are, but here is an overview of the article:

As part of an ethics initiative on the University of Dubuque campus, the librarians created and implemented a collaborative project to incorporate ethics, information literacy, and critical thinking into a beginning composition course.The course is a required introductory English composition and rhetoric course, equivalent to English 101 at most institutions. This article focuses on the process for the creation and implementation of this collaborative unit, and the qualitative data collected through the first three semesters of integration.
Hopefully, as we are digging through the literature and writing the article I will find some new critical thinking applications to apply video game strategies to.