Welcome LOEX Librarians

Thank you for attending my poster presentation and I hope that I was able to provide you with some ideas and information about using video game strategies in the classroom. Since this may be your first time here, please take a moment to subscribe to the RSS feed on the right. I want to provide some additional information about the classes and reflections from my poster presentation.

Let's start off back in the fall with a post that would become the foundation for my application of gaming strategies. I followed up that post with 5 steps for using games, some of which I echoed in my presentation. The analysis and similarities about "Why Our Attempts Fail" in both research and in gaming is another starting point for gaming application.

Last fall, I wrote a series of posts (starting here) reflecting on the results of using open ended game strategies for a research writing review session. The results really opened my eyes about how we teach and how we could teach. I included some student reaction and comments in the final post as well. There are also some detailed notes on my branching / decision tree lecture and my branching "choose your own adventure" article search from this spring as well.

Finally, there are is a post on how the frustration playing games can help non-gamers understand what our students might go through with library interfaces.

Take a few moments to dig back through the last few months here at Research Quest.
I'd love to get your comments on these ideas and any others you want to share. Thank you and I hope that together we can find ways to use video games and gaming strategies to increase our students' success.