Game Literacy Quiz

Here is part of the video game literacy quiz that I gave the class today. Each slide provided us with a variety of talking points about the games / systems featured and the culture around them. Each image is clickable if you want a closer look. Also any % on responses are what the class answered... what would you answer?

There were a few other questions... but I've hit Bloggers limit... I'll put the full quiz in the notes tonight.


Anonymous said...

The X-Box 360 controller can be used for both the x-box 360 and the PC, so that is a nasty trick question, And the handheld game shown was technically a DS Lite, the 2nd gen DS, which was not listed as a possible answer. Get it together R-Tard.

Paul said...

You are right about the 360 controller working for the PC as well. It was a trick question, but since I was using it to start discussion it was a good opportunity to talk about PC games as well.

And as a proud owner of the DS Lite since its first week of US release, you are correct. But putting a "lite" or "phat" on the DS seemed to be splitting hairs for those in the intended audience.

Thanks for the comments. You've given me a reason to go back and update the quiz.