A surprising snow storm brought with it a shorten day of class, but we still had two video game strategy review sessions. The review activity went well in both classes and the majority of groups were able to demonstrate some proficiency in their research skills.
Hurdles of the day
- Library website navigation: "I don't know how to find a book." One student, who's made it through two rounds of info lit sessions, made this statement today. I've worked with this student during the semester, and he's sat next to me at the reference desk as we both searched for articles and books. The activity threw him into the search and forced him to try. Truth is, he knew how to search the catalog - he just didn't trust himself. The activity forced him to make that choice and live with the consequences.
- Collection & location challenges - how to find where materials are by making distinctions between Educational Curriculum materials (intended for middle schoolers) and the general collection
- Critical thinking and evaluation of information, websites and reference material
- multiple uses of resources - overview or focused, what type of information is provided by each resource (article/reference book)
- peer assistance and peer led learning - some groups got stuck or didn't find what they hoped for and shared this during their presentation... rather than me as the instructor filling in the gaps, the students jump to do so.
A good day for our video game strategies and a good day to spent a little extra time playing with my sons.
edit: format corrections; 10:13 PM
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