Leveling Up: Information Literacy Improvement Through Video Game Strategies

That title applies to most of my work on this blog. Now that I've finished my draft of a publication on this topic I wanted to share part of my conclusion. As spring semesters start across the country over the next few weeks, a hope this provides some librarians a little extra push to try something new and experiment with video game strategies.

Writing the chapter and this passage helped refocus me for the coming semester and reminded me to keep trying even when things don't work out. I hope it can do the same for some others.

Starting the process of “leveling up” an information literacy program does not need to be intimidating or daunting. When applying any new strategies or technology, it is best to start small by setting limited goals and focusing on smaller content (King, 2007). King’s advice is sound, and while not revolutionary, it is practical. Existing information literacy classes provide jumping off points for those looking to get started with using games and game strategies in the classroom. The University of Dubuque used this message of starting small to place emphasis on success and build upon it. Start small, target a few gaming strategies, include traditional outcomes and do not be afraid of initial failure. These strategies will enhance the learning experiences of students across campus.

Videogames require information literacy to be successful. The skills involved within games create a unique foundation to build future academic success. Librarians are in an excellent position to build that bridge between students, videogame literacy, and traditional information literacy. Creating successful information literate students with videogames goes beyond treating games as a metaphor. Applying videogame strategies created exciting learning opportunities for students at the University of Dubuque, and furthermore, can provide engaging opportunities for any academic library. Videogames can teach a player the research process, and videogame strategies can help librarians teach students.