Librarian Spotlight: Anne Marie Gruber

On Thursday, I posted Anne Marie Gruber's feedback on using the Library Dusk lesson as a review. I am very pleased with her experience with the lesson and I'm thankful that she was willing to share about it.

It is in that same spirit of sharing that I want highlight Anne Marie's commitment to her profession and her students. Anne Marie started at the University of Dubuque in January of 2006, as the Reference and Instruction Librarian for the First Year Experience. In her 2 years, the position has morphed as she and the library have grown professionally. Anne Marie is the library liaison for the nursing program, natural sciences, and computer graphics. She has led the way at the University of Dubuque in collaboration and outreach to her liaison departments creating newsletters and blogs for her faculty. Her CGInspiration blog is used as a resource by both faculty and students.

In addition to her commitment to the University of Dubuque, she has authored articles including one we co-authored with the Library Director. She also serves as the Secretary / Treasurer for the Iowa Library Association - ACRL.

It is my pleasure and fortune to work with Anne Marie. Her willingness to continue to innovate and standardize our information literacy program is a great asset to the library and our students. In addition to applying and refining gaming strategies in information literacy, Anne Marie is always willing to play some DDR at the library's finals week study breaks...

Thank you.