Library Dusk - Choose Your Own Adventure Database Review

Last year I created a multiple path database review based on video game strategies. And now, I'm teaching the same class tomorrow. I've spent tonight updating (and fixing a few slides) from last year slides. I'll post about how the class went tomorrow, but until then here is a brief summary of the lesson, experience, and student feedback from last year.

After successful open-ended information literacy sessions applying videogame strategies, the librarians at the University of Dubuque used a student- response system and Power Point to create a multiple path, point & click review for an upper division Communication course. The initial design comprised over 70 slides and resulted in a multiple-path review where the students voted to determine the direction of the research process. The assignment objective was to find two sources from books, articles, or the internet. Every path and choice was hyper linked within the Power Point slides so that any decision the students made was linked to the corresponding choices. Students stayed engaged in voting, reacting to the results, and discussing the choices. Much of the class discussion was peer led and the students engaged each other and debated about what path to choose. A short evaluation with open-ended questions was sent to students one week after the information literacy session. Students’ responses were overwhelmingly positive and included, “I did like how you gave us an option for going our own paths” and “I thought the voting was great.” One student commented that, “It was a lot more fun being able to first handily interact with the research.”


Melanie said...

i loved choose your own adventure books... i think this is awesome. any chance you can give us a sample of some slides to help us design our own?

Paul said...


Thank you for the comment. Here is a post with the link to the full powerpoint file.

Please let me know if you have questions, I would be happy to talk more.

Thanks again and I'm glad you like the idea,

Paul said...
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Paul said...

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